Hello! You've found Markus Hauru. I'm doing things, such as └─ ??? Feel free to contact me at markus@mhauru.org. Things I've gotten done: ├─ A web-based musical instrument in just intonation tuning. │ ├─ Code on github.com/mhauru, mostly tools for tensor network algorithms. │ ├─ My PhD thesis (UWaterloo/Perimeter Institute, 2018), which is really nothing but a collection of my publications (below) with an introduction. │ ├─ My Master's thesis (U of Helsinki, 2014), on MERA. │ ├─ Data science side projects: │ ├─ Predicting usage of Boris Bikes from seasonal trends and weather data │ │ github.com/mhauru/boris-bike-forecast. │ │ │ └─ Exploratory data analysis of the EThOS data set of UK PhD thesis metadata │ github.com/mhauru/EThOS-analysis. │ └─ Publications on physics: ├─ M. Hauru, M. Van Damme, J. Haegeman │ Riemannian optimization of isometric tensor networks, │ 2020, arXiv: 2007.03638. │ ├─ K. Van Acoleyen, A. Hallam, M. Bal, M. Hauru, J. Haegeman, F. Verstraete │ Entanglement compression in scale space: from the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz to matrix product operators, │ 2019, arXiv: 1912.10572. │ ├─ M. Hauru, G. Vidal │ Uhlmann fidelities from tensor networks, │ 2018, arXiv: 1807.01640. │ ├─ M. Hauru, C. Delcamp, S. Mizera │ Renormalization of tensor networks using graph independent local truncations, │ 2017, arXiv: 1709.07460. │ ├─ M. Hauru, G. Evenbly, W. W. Ho, D. Gaiotto, G. Vidal │ Topological conformal defects with tensor networks, │ 2015, arXiv: 1512.03846. │ └─ LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group: S. Dittmaier, C. Mariotti, G. Passarino et al. Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions, 2012, arxiv: 1201.3084. I last updated this page on 2021-04-11.